
I have been working with others on stress and I also need to finish my own work on stress. I realized yesterday that when I thought I had lost my drivers license plus someone had gotten my credit cared number that I had to make all those phone calls to stop things, go to police station along with being overwhelmed with work that I had several symptoms. The stomach acid increased and it triggered old memories so I felt continuously hungry and not myself. The mental rushing and taking care of so many things requires more food as well as the feeling one gets from extra stomach acid. In my case, I was too busy yesterday to work on it but fixed it nutritionally first by blending up apple, cucumber, and greens to drink a salad and I did eat some cake to give me the energy to power through. Then I also took extra enzymes, added brewers years to counteract the sugar. Today I am working on the issues it brought up for me. I actually didn’t realize this issue was there until today.
These issues make my heart hurt. They raise the blood pressure and weaken the muscles from the body chemistry that goes with this. I felt exhausted.
Overwhelm causes stress but also other feelings like rushing around like us mothers learn to do having to take care of kids and do our work, we are always juggling so many plates. So whenever you take up that rushing around behavior because you have more than one or two things to do in a busy day, other things can bet triggered so you have to watch out for that and fix that especially if you are now retired.
So in that rushing around it probably affects your driving. I find myself going faster than I should. It also can be when you are trying to be on time, late for an appointment, or make a mistake. Any hurried or rushed time the adrenaline in your body and stomach acid increases. Running to fix a problem is another connected issue.
Overwhelm and stress make you forgetful. The overwhelm yesterday made it possible for me to forget that I had gone to the bank after getting home from the trip to California. My license was with the bank stuff. I had been rushing around with overwhelm and catching up since getting back.
As mothers we spend a lot of our time with this rushing around behavior. Although that is a behavior, it causes stress so it takes 2 techniques.
Techniques and coping skills.
Some of the coping skills I use when I haven’t had time to work on something or not yet ready to work on it, are: watching something on TV that is not emotional, taking some kind of break, putting puzzles together (I usually have one in my room to work on as I am thinking), laying down to rest, meditating, and drinking water or eating something. Some people overeat because of this if it is their only coping skill. Some people smoke pot, drink alcohol, or take meds. Some of these can have devastating consequences.
So, now that I have had time to sit down and work on this, here I am doing my process and hope it can help you.  Each of us are a little different so if I am working with you, I might do it differently.  My feeling issues:
Rushing around
Made a mistake
Afraid of being late
I realized that I am always on time and usually early because of my fear of being late.  That activated when going to the airport or finishing a dental case. That is also a high value for me to be on time. I won’t be changing my values here just the excess adrenaline associated with it.  Since it is actually a fear, I am looking for pictures in the past of when I was experiencing rushing so I would not be late.
1. I see myself in my 20s driving from Ft Lauderdale to Coconut Grove 90 miles an hr. to be sure I am in time to deliver a rush case. Any rushing to deliver a case. So I let this one represent all of them.
2. Another time, I was following too close and someone slammed on their breaks. I have a picture of that. This one seems to take extra work probably because it was a shock. When a memory has a shock in it, you also have to use the inner child technique.  So, in my imagination I saw myself before going on that trip and put the info in there so I would know ahead of time. I also gave myself skills and the beliefs below, and the other person skills.
3. Rushing to get to the airport on time even if I am actually early. Many of those memories so I need to do a generalization. This explains why I hate to fly and would rather drive. This last trip to the airport was a bit traumatic as it took an hour to get through security and they had to put my bag through 2 times and look through everything and the guy yelled at me. So, not only did I have to see the pictures as cartoons but had to put patience and a different sound into the movie.
4. Rushing to get to the court house to file something.
5. Rushing to finish computer work on my case against those taking my home.
6. Hurrying to finish a case.
7. There is rushing yesterday to fit everything in. Here I needed to put the info into the day before after neutralizing the pictures.
8. Rushing to finish work on the house or little house back in 2013.
9. Rushing in 2015 to get dirt off the road and had a heat stroke.
The first step is to see one’s self in these situations – disassociate.
Then play them in black and white or/and cartoons. Some of the situation need info put in before the event as done in the “Inner Child Technique”.
Positive Beliefs and info to add in:
The wheels of justice are slow.
There is always time for everything that really needs to be done.
Everything works out and for the highest and best in time.
You are always being guided by a higher energy
There is something good about everything even if the purpose is to work on something to feel better.
You can tell when you have fixed a trauma as you can look at it more logically. You can also see if the picture has some energy.  Is it black and white now? Do you feel logical? Going through this myself took me 4 hours. I struggle with the visual aspect. Be patient with yourself.
About Stress:
Stress is everywhere and everyone has it. It can be from an external event or from internal emotional stress. The meaning we attach to a present situation usually determines what we name the emotion. Your mind can attach the feeling you are having to any situation you are in. Events and emotions get linked together. High levels of extended stress leads to health issues.  Your body gears up for stress with a stepped-up energy phase and if not relieved turns into exhaustion. When faced with a threat, the body mobilizes with heightened blood circulation to the major muscles of the arms and legs so you can run. There is too much adrenaline. When you can relax, the parasympathetic nervous system kicks in and you can relax. After working on an issue, if it is completed, you can feel this relaxation. These are two different body systems that operate at different times. You cannot be having stress and also relaxation at the same time.
There is good and bad stress.