I also met another psychic in FL named Elizabeth Libolt who channeled a spirit but later moved to doing astrology. We became good friends so later I asked her why she quit the psychic part and she said she no longer was in touch with that spirit. I liked her psychic part better than the astrology and thought she should have continued with doing with cards she used to use. I also met and Brenda Brush of FL who is an astrologer and still working. She did one reading for me about my children which seemed quite accurate. The boys were only 5 & 6 at the time and she told me my youngest would have trouble with alcohol which ended up being true years later. A few years later after I started working on my emotions with NLP she said she could no longer see anything for me as I had passed my time-line. But I would take her the birthdays of friends for fun and she was quite accurate with what I could see. She is still alive and a friend on Facebook.. Works in FL. I was curios about these modalities for quite some time. I also spent one years investigating past life experiences after taking a class in that. I was able in that class to go to what seemed to be one of my past lives and was quite a vivid experience and later was able to help lots of people explore that for themselves along with practicing hypnosis. I never came to any final conclusion about past lives and just keep it as an idea that seems to work not as a belief. I had learned in NLP that once beliefs are set in stone it is very hard to change and easy to ignore other possibilities. So, I choose not not put anything into my mind as a belief unless I have scientific proof of its repeatability. The NLP techniques I have been able to repeat success with them so believe they work.
Mary Hale-Haniff seemed to be quite a spiritual person and introduced me to “The Course in Miracles” as she taught that in groups as well as NLP training. I didn’t take her Miracles classes but bought the book as tapes so I could play them while I did dental lab work. I had divorced my 2nd husband by that time due to finding he had started using drugs when the boys were 5 & 6 and because of this we lost our home. The next couple of years I moved a lot finding my next journey and had another devastating relationship end. It was like darkness closed over me. I was in a deep depression for several months and couldn’t even think but played those tapes over and over as I lay in bed. Thankfully my old friend George would take my boys fishing with him. Suddenly one day, I got up, it felt like the wheels were turning in my head. I paced the floor for about 4 hours and then I suddenly knew I would never be that depressed again. I also never listened to those tapes again.